Sunday, December 9, 2012


     Friday night my husband, kids and I headed up to campus to attend the Lessons & Carols service at Founder's Chapel. It was truly lovely. The choir sang like youthful angels, the chapel looked beautiful, and the homily was inspiring.
     There was a feeling not just of a spiritual community during a holy season, but of a spiritual community joined with an academic one, hearts united in hope and celebration.  I saw a couple of people I know, and was excited to see that one of the testament readers was a woman I have a class with this semester. It was delightful to be able to share a campus experience with my family, and to have my academic experience be enriched by the spiritual side of USD.
     We are a lucky few to be having a graduate school experience at all, and luckier still to be in a place that grows our intellects while feeding our souls. Whether you are fed visually, by the many stunning vistas USD affords, communally, by the extra events and groups available, or spiritually, through the opportunity to worship together, we all have much to be grateful for in this season of celebration for many cultures. 
     It was a gift, in this busy time, to be still in the midst of work, school, and family, and be grateful and singing.


  1. Stephanie,
    The intersection at which faith/spirituality meets with reason/academics is what I live for. It is one of the top 3 factors for why I chose to attend USD for grad school. Last semester I had a schedule that allowed for me to attend daily mass twice a week (in addition to Sunday mass) and it was wonderful to go to daily mass at USD.

  2. Indeed - what a treat for your soul! Thanks for responding, Alexis.
