Monday, November 26, 2012

MOOCs - The Next Big Thing (mooooooo)



     Massive Open Online Courses, or MOOCs are an emerging international educational field causing both excitement and consternation in academic circles. Will professors become obsolete? Will this sound the death knell for personalized, face to face learning experiences? Will MOOCs provide quality educational experiences to populations previously denied higher education opportunities due to geography, finances or myriad other reasons?
     These are valid lines of inquiry, and there is much research being done even as MOOC offerings are growing exponentially. The Gates Foundation is funding a study of MOOCs, and there are many resources available for those interested in exploring further. Here's a beginning reading list.

Diigo Library on MOOCs

1 comment:

  1. I liked that you linked your diigo library to the blog.
    It is also true mood reminds us with moooo:)
